Static sizing and fatigue analysis of a train bogie

In commission for ADtranz AB (now Bombardier Transportation AB) Sweden in Helsingborg, Ingenjörsdata AB has performed the static sizing and fatigue analysis of a train bogie. The bogie was modelled by beam and shell elements.

Both the static analysis and the fatigue analysis have around 30 load cases. The design code used was BSK 99 (by the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Sweden). All shell elements that meet at welds, have been assessed, with respect to fatigue, by the program FATEVAS (Ingenjörsdata AB).

The figure shows the utilisation factor of welds.

Keywords: Bombardier Transportation AB, train bogie, welds, sizing, stress calculation, FE-modelleing, fatigue analysis, MEDINA, PERMAS, FATEVAS

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